A-Smart Solutions guarantees that the provided products shall be free from defects including components and manufacture and shall operate in full conformity with the specifications declared by A-Smart Solutions. The warranty period is 12 months from the delivery date of the goods.
The warranty is appliable to the products supplied by A-Smart Solutions and includes parts and components purchased from other suppliers of A-Smart Solutions.
The warranty does not cover:
- parts subject to normal wear
- parts damaged for improper usage
- parts damaged for inattentive and/or careless treatment
- parts damaged for improper assembly
- parts damaged for excessive stress imposed to materials
- parts damaged for negligence in the maintenance operations
- parts damaged for circumstances not subject to the A-Smart Solutions’s control
A-Smart Solutions shall replace or repair all products or components which present proven manufacture defects on condition that they are claimed for in writing within the validity of the warranty period.
The Buyer has no right to claim for damage or loss whatsoever arising out of the provision or performance. Transport costs of damaged and subsequently repaired goods (import duties and taxes too) will be charged to the customer.